I have been writing on this topic for some time. Here are some citations and sources:
Maine Forest and Forest History
* Irland, “Rufus Putnam’s ghost: an essay on Maine’s public lands: 1783-1820.” J. For. History, April 1986, pp. 60-69.
Irland, “Five images of the Maine forest.” Maine Scholar, 7: 1-12, 1994.
Irland, “Maine lumber production, 1839-1992: a statistical overview.” Maine History, 38(1), Summer 1998, pp. 36-59. Reprinted in Northern Logger, May 1999.
Irland, “Trade in unprocessed wood: impact on the forest and on Maine’s economy.” Maine Business Indicators, Jan. 1995.
Irland, “The state of the forest in the Pine Tree State.” Northern Logger, Oct. 1995.
Irland and McWilliams, “Maine’s 1995 forest inventory: a first look.” Northern Logger, April 1997. pp. 24, 25, 52, 53. Reprinted in SWOAM News, July 1997, and Kennebec Journal, Thurs. May 17, 1997, p. 17.
Irland, “Maine’s forest area, 1600-1995.” Orono: Univ. of Maine Agr. & For. Exp. Sta. Misc. Pub. 736. 1998.
* Irland, “A virgin red spruce and northern hardwood stand, Maine 1902: its forest management implications.” Maine Naturalist, 1(4): 181-192, 1993.
* Irland, “Maine’s forest vegetation regions: selected maps, 1880-1993. Northeastern Naturalist, 4(4): 241-260. 1997.
Irland, “Maine’s natural resources.” Lewiston Sun-Journal, Sunday, Oct. 31, 1999, pp. D4-D7 (part of a nine-part series of “millennium essays”).
Irland, “Maine’s forests: a century of change, 1900-2000.” Maine Policy Review, Winter 2000, pp. 66-77. http://www.umaine.edu/mcsc/MPR/Vol9No1/irland.pdf
Irland. 2009. Papermaking in Maine: economic trends, 1894-2000. Maine History. 45(1): 53- 74.
Irland, 2014. Co-author of plate on paper industry, in Hornsby and Judd, Historical Atlas of Maine. Plate 50. Served on advisory committee for entire publication.
Irland and Laustsen. 2016. Aroostook Forests: change and development, 1890-1990. Echoes. The Northern Maine Journal. No 111, Jan-March. pp. 26-29.
Irland and Laustsen, 2016. Changing times: Aroostook forests since 1990. Echoes No. 112, Apr-June 2016. Pp. 25-27.
*Irland, 2020. From Wilderness to Timberland to Vacationland to Ecosystem: Maine’s Forests 1820–2020. Maine Policy Review. Bicentennial Issue, 29(2): 45-56. Nov.
*Irland, 2021. When the mill goes quiet: Maine’s paper industry 1990-2016. Maine History. Vol. 54 (1): 5-25.
Also, 2 recent book reviews:
The changing nature of the Maine Woods, by Barton, White, and Cogbill. Environmental History 2013. vol 18(2):433-434.
Milltown: reckoning with what remains. By Kerry Arsenault, 2020. Book review. Maine History Journal, Fall 2020.